I admittedly have a love-hate relationship with this mix. I put it together before I started using a lot of mash-ups, thus it's loaded with remixes that came from sources I can no longer identify or find. The remixes are great, don't get me wrong; however, some of them can be a bit quirky and may stretch a beat or a chord change a little too long.....which leads me back to my original point - I need to be in the right frame of mind to put this one on.
The set starts in a distinctive masculine voice with that great Jimi Hendrix hook from Foxy Lady
, represented here in a mash-up with Beyonce from Mark Vidler of Go Home Productions, and spirals through testosterone laden tracks until it turns a complete 360 and goes feminine with the arrival of Janet Jackson, Madonna and Donna Summer; Heavy D adding some affirmation to the proceedings. After a very quirky motown remix from Edwin Starr the rest of the mix evolves into a sort of a trance-like feel with some really interesting techno remixes of pop songs.
Love it or hate it this mix is nothing if not compelling. And so - I give thanks here to those whom I can identify and sincerely hope that for good, bad or ugly, you enjoyed the set: Mark Vidler of Go Home Productions, MTV Mash Ups, Ultimix, Select Mix/Hot Tracks, Keltros from Sweeden (I Think), Todd Terry, Armand Van Helden, Jonathan Peters, DJ Chaos, Dr Dre and a lot from Fatboy Slim.
Listed below are the individual tracks used in the mix - Left click a title to play it in a seperate browser; Right click to snatch and grab; or, put it in the player and stream it...